How to Enjoy Downtime

How to Enjoy Downtime

Do you have a mile-long "To-Do" list? Are you always racing from one place to another? Does time seem to spin faster and faster each day? If so, it can seem impossible to enjoy the benefits of downtime. Taking time each day to unwind can make you much more productive when you most need to be. The following steps will show you how to make the most of your downtime.


Identify what "downtime" means. Every individual identifies his downtime differently. For some it is a period that does not involve work or anything else for that matter--just chilling in front of the TV. For others, it is a period of time involved in pleasurable, fun activities with friends and family.


Block off some down time each day. It can be anything from a few minutes to a full hour, as long as it's just for you. Setting aside time each day allows you to look forward to downtime.


Clear your mind of current thoughts by meditating and taking deep breaths. Close your eyes and slowly relax each part of your body. Once your mind is blank of worries and negative thoughts, you can approach your downtime with a clear mind.


Pick a relaxing activity to do during your downtime. The activity should be one that gives you pure pleasure. For some people, this may be an intense activity, for others it is one of pure relaxation when they turn off everything.


Be fully aware and immersed in your downtime to appreciate it.

Tips & Warnings

Exercise can also be a part of downtime if it relaxes you and makes you feel better.

Avoid multitasking during your downtime since this is counterproductive and cancels out the benefits.