How to Find Natural Supplements to Boost Metabolism

How to Find Natural Supplements to Boost Metabolism

In this age of
and fitness, some people strive for that perfect body. For those who struggle with weight loss, an herbal supplement may be the answer to boost metabolism and achieve that desired body weight goal.

Things You'll Need:


Bitter orange

Green tea

Kola nut

Yerba mate

Folic Acid

Vitamin B12

Vitamin C


Speed up your metabolism with Guarana. Guarana is the herbal equivalent of caffeine and is used in weight loss supplements due to its stimulating properties. It has also been linked to improving mental alertness, stamina and also detoxifying the blood and acting as a natural aphrodisiac.


Boost your metabolism with Bitter Orange. Bitter Orange has been known to increase basal metabolic rates and to act as a thermogenic weight loss supplement. Thermogenesis is activated when norepinephrine and epinephrine are stimulated, which are hormones that allow the body to burn more calories.


Take a green tea break. Green tea is not only a refreshing beverage, but it is also a great antioxidant and has been linked to firing up your metabolism.


Get nutty with the Kola nut. The Kola nut has not only been linked to boosting the metabolism, but has also been linked to reducing risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease and anxiety, in addition to improving the immune system and acting as an antioxidant.


Max out your metabolism's potential by adding Yerba Mate to your diet. Yerba Mate has been used in South Africa for centuries, and it contains 24 vitamins and minerals, 15 amino acids and 11 polyphenols, a group of phytochemicals which act as antioxidants. Yerba Mate is a natural stimulant that has chemical components similar to green tea, but are considered more nutritious.


Add folic acid to your dietary regimen. In conjunction with vitamin B12 and vitamin C, these supplements help to metabolize protein, and allow for the formation and growth of red and white blood cells.

Tips & Warnings

Always consult your doctor before starting any kind of herbal dietary regimen.

How to Find Natural Substitutes for Medicines

How to Find Natural Substitutes for Medicines

If you are interested in finding natural substitutes for medicines, you can do so in a few short steps. With the price of medicines rising, many people are turning to natural substitutes to find a cheaper option. Not only are natural substitutes cheaper, some people find the substitutes to be more effective and have less side effects than their traditional medicine counterparts.


Find a doctor in your area that specializes in alternative medicine. These doctors can help you find natural substitutes for medicines that you are prescribed to take. To find a directory of alternative medicine doctors, visit the AlternativeMedicine4All website. Once you are on the website, click on the city nearest you on the left hand column. On the results page, you will find a listing of alternative doctors in your area.


Locate websites that have listings of natural substitutes for medicines. One such website is GrannyMed. This website helps you learn about alternative medicine options.


Interact with other web surfers at the CureZone message boards. For virtually any type of ailment, interesting discussions take place about natural substitutes for traditional medicines.


Read about natural medicine at This website provides resources and information about Chinese medicine, acupuncture, homeopathic treatments and natural medications.


Tell your regular doctor that you are going to look for natural substitutes. It's always the right policy to be completely open with your physician. Your doctor might give you a referral to a doctor who specializes in natural substitutes. Additionally, your doctor can better inform you of any drawbacks that could occur from dropping traditional medicine for natural substitutes.

Tips & Warnings

If you experience any side effects from a natural remedy, stop using it immediately.

How to Enjoy Downtime

How to Enjoy Downtime

Do you have a mile-long "To-Do" list? Are you always racing from one place to another? Does time seem to spin faster and faster each day? If so, it can seem impossible to enjoy the benefits of downtime. Taking time each day to unwind can make you much more productive when you most need to be. The following steps will show you how to make the most of your downtime.


Identify what "downtime" means. Every individual identifies his downtime differently. For some it is a period that does not involve work or anything else for that matter--just chilling in front of the TV. For others, it is a period of time involved in pleasurable, fun activities with friends and family.


Block off some down time each day. It can be anything from a few minutes to a full hour, as long as it's just for you. Setting aside time each day allows you to look forward to downtime.


Clear your mind of current thoughts by meditating and taking deep breaths. Close your eyes and slowly relax each part of your body. Once your mind is blank of worries and negative thoughts, you can approach your downtime with a clear mind.


Pick a relaxing activity to do during your downtime. The activity should be one that gives you pure pleasure. For some people, this may be an intense activity, for others it is one of pure relaxation when they turn off everything.


Be fully aware and immersed in your downtime to appreciate it.

Tips & Warnings

Exercise can also be a part of downtime if it relaxes you and makes you feel better.

Avoid multitasking during your downtime since this is counterproductive and cancels out the benefits.

How to Eat to Purify Blood

How to Eat to Purify Blood

Blood circulates oxygen and nutrients needed by the body and removes the metabolic waste through the lungs and kidneys. The toxins in food, water and air that we consume everyday mix with the blood hindering its normal function. Other than fasting to detoxify your system, eating certain foods naturally purifies blood, aiding in better health.

Things You'll Need:


Lemon juice

Green leafy vegetables



Black pepper


Warm a glass of water and mix 1 tbsp. of honey and a few drops of lemon juice. Drink this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.


Include foods that are rich in chlorophyll such as green leafy vegetables, barley, carrots and wheatgrass. Chlorophyll removes impurities such as parasites, tissues and wastes from the blood. It also acts as a natural antidepressant.


Peel the skin of pomegranate fruit, dry it and powder it. Mix a teaspoon of this powder with warm water and drink it in the morning. This not only purifies blood but also kills intestinal worms.


Chop 3 pods of garlic finely and swallow them with a glass of water everyday. Garlic reduces toxins, rejuvenates blood and increases the growth of healthy bacteria in our intestines. Garlic also reduces cholesterol.


Sprinkle black pepper generously on your food. It aids in digestion by stimulating the secretion of hydrochloric acids.


Drink fruit and vegetable juices everyday. Juices made from celery and parsley act as an internal cleanser. Carrots, beet, apple and lemon juices cleanse the intestines and kidneys.

Tips & Warnings

Consume black pepper in moderation if you have history of ulcers and other stomach ailments.

How to Do the Chakra Spread

How to Do the Chakra Spread

The Chakra Spread is a powerful technique used in Healing Touch. Through this process, the body's chakras are gently opened to produce deep healing. It is frequently used for people in severe pain, under stress or during a life transition. Learn this sacred energy technique by reading the steps below.


Stand behind your client and center yourself. Visualize energy being pulled up from the earth through your spine and spreading throughout your body. When you feel the calm flow of energy, proceed to the next step.


Begin by having your client lay on their back on a bed or massage table. Hold the sole of their foot in your hand while the other hand rests on the top of their foot. Hold the position for a minute to release any anxiety, pain or congestion in the client's body, and then repeat with the other foot.


Hold your client's hand between your palms for one minute to open the energy flow in the hands and release tension. Repeat with the other palm.


Move up to the head bringing your hands together (palms out with fingertips down) above the client's crown. Focus on the love that God has for this person while slowly spreading both hands outward as far as possible three times.


Continue spreading each chakra three times in the following pattern: crown (top of head), brow (forehead between eyes), throat, heart, solar plexus (stomach just below ribs), sacral (between belly button and groin), root (below groin), knees, ankles and feet.


Pull access energy off the legs and feet by placing your hand over each leg and moving slowly downward. The other hand will be below the sole of your client's foot as you pull the energy away from the body three times for each leg.


Return to the crown of your client and repeat three spreads to each chakra following the same pattern. Complete a total of three rounds of the sequence.


Conclude the Chakra Spread by holding one of your client's hands in one hand while the other is placed on their heart. Remain in this position until the process feels complete.

How to Shop Like Pamela Anderson

How to Shop Like Pamela Anderson

Former Baywatch star and model Pamela Anderson is well-known for her love of trendy and expensive shopping sprees.


Browse for some skater wear. One of Anderson's favorite shops in Malibu is Clout, a hip skater and surfer apparel shop, where she is frequently spotted picking up gifts for her sons Brandon and Dylan.


Sex it up with some stylish lingerie. Before her stint at striptease shows at the famous Crazy Horse in Paris, Anderson hit up chic lingerie boutique Chantal Thomas for a few sexy items, particularly lacy baby dolls which she loves. Later that night, she made her entrance into the venue on the back of a motorcycle wearing a sheer black body stocking.


Select a fine Rolex from a high-end

. Anderson has been seen selecting a gold and platinum lady's Rolex from ultra-trendy jewelry shop Saatchi and Saatchi on Vancouver's extremely exclusive Robson Street.


Shill yourself out. Anderson picks up a slew of complementary gifts, not to mention some hefty appearance fees, by promoting various brands including Chanel on New Years Eve 2007 at PURE Nightclub in Las Vegas, where she reportedly earned $100,000 for a night's work.


Go upscale wedding at Valentino's. For her short-lived marriage to socialite Rick Salomon, Anderson wore a cream-colored denim Valentino gown and vintage Neil Lane


. To pay for the outfit, just sell exclusive wedding photos to OK! Magazine like she did.


Show off your assets and set out for Anderson's favorite kind of shopping: man shopping. Anderson has snared previous mates at rock concerts, magic shows and various nightclub lounges.

How to Shop Like Nicole Kidman

How to Shop Like Nicole Kidman

Oscar-winner Nicole Kidman is one of the greatest fashion icons of our time, and her shopping habits reflect that. Known for shopping in upscale


and buying outfits directly from the catwalk, it may be a little hard to imagine having her budget. If you can splurge a little, though, you can shop like Nicole Kidman with these tips.


Shop for


clothes at upscale boutiques, such as Westfield Bondi Junction. While in her native Australia, Kidman and husband Keith Urban frequent this store to shop for clothing for their bundle of joy. She's also been known to pick up gifts for friends from the same store.


Think about high-quality heels. Kidman loves heels, especially platforms, and she's particularly fond of Christian Louboutin. She even purchased a pair for her wedding to Keith Urban. Kidman has also been spotted shopping for heels from Dolce & Gabbana.


Stop by Jim Smiley Vintage Clothing in Manhattan. This store is a favorite among celebrities, including Nicole Kidman. Known as one of the best places to shop for vintage clothing, it's a shop both Kidman and her daughter Isabella frequent. If you can't make it to New York, shop for midcentury couture at your local vintage store.


Learn to love Prada and Christian Dior. Nicole Kidman often shops upscale stores such as Prada and Dior for her glamorous red carpet gowns. Her most famous dress, a bright green one she wore to the Oscars in 1997, was from Christian Dior.


Spend time at designer fashion shows every season to find one of a kind looks. Kidman's most famous red-carpet outfits have come directly from the fashion shows of Chanel, Yves Saint-Laurent and Dior.


Look to Fred Segal Clothing for more casual clothes. Kidman has been known to spend hours inside their Santa Monica branch, shopping for herself and her

Tips & Warnings

Bring along your children, husband or a good friend whenever you shop. Kidman seldom shops alone and is usually joined by daughter Isabella, husband Keith Urban or close friend Naomi Watts.